OWC is committed to ecological restoration work in this and every other version of reality. What do we mean by that? No, we’re not talking about Matrix 5: Neo’s Creek (fun as that would be); we’re talking about the OWC’s custom-made watershed stewardship virtual reality program supported by the RBC Foundation.
A reason to hope
Well Water Perceived as Safe
Overall, the study found that most well owners feel they are not susceptible to well contamination issues because they have not had any health concerns that they linked to their well water quality. Perceived susceptibility is critical, because it helps indicate how motivated people would be to test and/or treat their well.
Well Water: Risky or Safe?
Fun at the GALT This Summer!
Who Are OWC's New Board Members?
How an OWC AGM changed my life
My first AGM opened my eyes. Wide.
Growing up in Northwestern Ontario I assumed all of Canada had plenty of water. Lakes galore. Not so. Southern Alberta's lakes are mostly reservoirs and it is dry. Might not rain for days or even weeks. I had no idea.
Canada has a desert? Who knew? How do people survive without camps on lakes? Saunas and fish smokers? Where had I moved to? What time's the next bus?
World Environment Day 2017: Are you ALL IN?
Celebrate Environment Week June 4-11
3 Reasons Why I Love Canadian Agriculture
Voices of the Oldman: Taber Success, on to Twin Butte!
A great turn out at the first Voices of the Oldman: Ag Matters session in Taber last week. Lots of great discussion on watershed stewardship. We look forward to the upcoming Twin Butte & Area session on Feb 10. Check out first hand here - the experts who will be providing updates on stewardship initiatives in that area and what outcomes to expect in participating in the roundtable discussions yourself!
"Voices of the Oldman" Kicks Off in Taber
Find out a little bit more about the experts providing panel updates on agricultural stewardship activities that they are currently working on at the first Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters session in Taber on Jan 31, 2017 from 2-5pm. Plus, more details on what outcomes can be expected by those participating.
Calling All Prairie Experts
Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters
Please join us in Taber January 31, Twin Butte February 10 or Stavely March 1!
The Oldman Watershed Council is excited to introduce a new brand of events called Voices of the Oldman. These events are an important opportunity to have your voice heard both locally and provincially. What we hear at these events will shape our projects and also the advice we give to the Government of Alberta.
How I Got "Smarter"... in 2 Days!
You can get "smarter" too with the 5 things that Taren learned at the Farming Smarter Conference and Tradeshow 2016. The connection between urban and rural was a big theme, so whether you live in town or in the country, take a few moments and check out this blog on everything from crop research, to 4-H to facts about flax, and no-till practices - and why it matters for the food you eat and the health of the watershed.
Livingstone Landowners Guild Showcases Local Non-profits
Recently, the Livingstone Landowners Guild hosted a “Who’s Who and What they Do” event to introduce local landowners to the many non-profit organizations operating in their area.
At the event, much of the open discussion focused on headwaters management and what impact the Government of Alberta Livingstone and Porcupine Hills Land Footprint Management Plan and Recreation Management Plans that are currently underway will have.
How to Grow Lunch from Fish Waste - Aquaponics & Other Agricultural Innovations
If you're an urbanite, you probably don't care about BMPs or know what they are. But I bet you've been to restaurants downtown and have eaten some pretty special veg!!! So whether you're a farmer, a rancher, or a city resident who just wants to understand where your food (Read: water) comes from .... read on! This article details lots of great resources in regards to sustainability in agriculture.
City will Participate in Water Charter
The Oldman Watershed Council hopes to unite municipalities and organizations to protect the local water supply.
On Monday, Lethbridge City Council agreed to add their name to a Southern Alberta Water Charter proposed by the OWC. Signing the charter pledges action and commitment to the betterment of the health of the Oldman watershed.
2016 Water Monitoring Workshop
You are invited to register for the “2016 Water Monitoring Workshop” designed to bring together individuals and groups to share ideas, experiences and technologies related to the monitoring of water. The scope includes quality and the quantity of water in surface and groundwater. This two day event will include ...
Innovation in Irrigation
Well, the long weekend is coming up and people will be heading for the hills. But what about our dedicated farmers? It is their busy season right now, and hail and rainstorms have not helped matters. Agriculture is the lifeblood of southern Alberta. That lifeblood is the Oldman. Irrigation has made its mark on our economy and on our landscape and users of irrigation water in southern Alberta are always searching for innovative ways to improve efficiencies. Here's a little tribute to our growers, and all the rural people who steward the land ...