Tools & Resources

Meet Jordan Row - ‘Caring For Our Watersheds’ Volunteer

Meet Jordan Row - ‘Caring For Our Watersheds’ Volunteer

Meet Jordan, OWC’s shiny new volunteer, who will tell you all about how you can get a FREE curriculum-based watershed presentation for grades 7-12 as well as a chance to get $$ for your school - but hurry; this is a limited-time offer that ends soon!

2017: Our Year In Review

2017: Our Year In Review

We're all wrapping up major projects and winding down for Christmas - it's a good time to think about all the incredible things that have happened in the Oldman watershed, and at OWC, in 2017. We've put together some highlights for you, with lots of links to 2017's best photos, videos, maps and key events. It's our year in review - and our way of saying thank you to everyone who calls the Oldman watershed home. Merry Christmas, everyone!

SACPA Maps & Timeline

SACPA Maps & Timeline

SACPA recently invited us to present at the Lethbridge Public Library and give an update on our current research. Anna Garleff, Communications Specialist, and Shannon Frank, Executive Director, welcomed a full house  and were excited to present history, maps, timelines and videos to the crowd. Thank you for coming - we had representation from throughout the watershed and we were thrilled to see everyone there. Here's the narrated PowerPoint for those who couldn't make it.

60,000 years ago to 2060 in the Oldman: Maps & Videos at SACPA's Public Library Event

60,000 years ago to 2060 in the Oldman:       Maps & Videos at SACPA's Public Library Event

How old is the Oldman? That is to say, how far back in human memory do we have stories about our region? SAPA and the Lethbridge Public Library are hosting the OWC on November 23rd at an EVENING EVENT sneak peek behind-the-scenes of our Film Project. We will be showcasing the research on our historical maps and timeline which underscore present-day watershed issues and the videos we are making about them.  All are welcome, admission is free. We hope you will bring a friend and join us!

Watershed Legacy Program in the Porcupine Hills

Watershed Legacy Program in the Porcupine Hills

Believe it or not, cattle are fussy critters. Yessiree, if there's a choice between drinking from a mucky old hole, or a fresh bubbling water source - guess which they pick? Keeping cows away from streams is something that the OWC is actively supporting: not only in word, but indeed! (pun intended) So funders are sought and funding is awarded for projects ...

A rancher's experience with solar energy in Southwest Alberta

A rancher's experience with solar energy in Southwest Alberta

New guest blogpost by Quentin Stevick! Now is your chance to have a say in how the AB gov't will invest in energy efficiency programs. Energy Efficiency Alberta is a new agency that will promote and support energy efficiency and energy systems for homes, businesses and communities. Quentin Stevick tells his thoughts on energy efficiency, the current system and what should change from a rural perspective that will benefit all Albertans...

Get out into the backcountry & help restore trails!

Get out into the backcountry & help restore trails!

Want to spend a day among friends helping restore flood-damaged trails in the beautiful backcountry?  Then read on! There are several opportunities coming up at various location in the watershed ...

Funding available - WLP Program NOW OPEN!

Funding available - WLP Program NOW OPEN!

If you are a landowner, you are a watershed steward! The OWC provides technical assistance, funding and administrative support for watershed projects. We help you identify and prioritize the areas and resources required to ...

Update on the Watershed Legacy Program (WLP)

Update on the Watershed Legacy Program (WLP)

Update on the Watershed Legacy Program (WLP) by Volunteer Cody Spencer. Here's what's been goin' on at Timber Ridge and how - as a landowner - you can apply for funding from the OWC to help improve watershed health on your own property ... 

Beauty and The Beasts - May long a year ago ...

May long weekend is here:  begin the bush parties, litter, trucks in the river. . .  I wish I could find last year's Sustainable Resource Development blog post about the perennial rotting couches. There will be liquor bans, fire bans, trail closures and check stops. 

Ever wondered about your water? TEST IT!

(Editor's Note: Thanks to Jacskon for blogging about how YOU can test your water. Kits are free!)

AWQA Day, June 5th, 2015
A hands-on approach to increasing water quality awareness in Alberta

Have you ever wondered about the quality of water in your local stream or wetland? 

You can have the opportunity to learn more about your local waterways by engaging in the Alberta Water Quality Awareness (AWQA) program in 2015. On June 5th we will kick-off our program for the 2015 year!

Alberta Water Quality Awareness (AWQA) aims to increase people's awareness about the health and value of water in Alberta, through hands-on water quality testing. Participants in the program are provided with a free water quality test kit. 

21 September, 2013 02-51-02 PM

This easy-to-use kit includes all of the materials needed to analyze four basic water quality parameters: temperature, pH, turbidity and dissolved oxygen. These basic measures of water quality have important implications for fish and wildlife habitat, outdoor recreation, and human health.

Albertans were last able to get their 'feet wet' in 2012, during Alberta's fifth AWQA event. The program was a huge success, with nearly 2000 people, from across the province, actively testing water in their communities. Families, individuals, schools, watershed groups, rural landowners, and community and youth groups all participated in the program. 

Together these groups collected and tested water samples from over 200 different locations, covering all seven of the major watersheds in Alberta. These results were compiled to create a 'snapshot' of water quality in the province. 

Results from past years can be viewed at

Everyone is invited to participate in AWQA 2015. Interested parties can order their free water quality test kit online at 

Kits can be ordered as a single, teacher kit package, as well as a special order for those with larger groups of students. AWQA kits will be shipped around mid-May and water quality testing can be done anytime between June 1st and August 31st. A single kit can be used ten times to test any stream, lake, river, wetland, dugout, community pond, reservoir, slough or other surface waterbody in Alberta. It is crucial to the success of this program for the data to be uploaded after collection, don't miss out on this great opportunity to get involved in the outdoors and water education.

Students, or other participants, can go online and add their water quality information to the database, and together create a picture of water quality in Alberta. Data will also be transferred to the Alberta Tomorrow program where students and citizens can further their engagement in the environment, and data, by working with the land-use simulator. Various teacher resources are on our website which includes lesson plans, worksheets, and more information on the parameters that are being tested.


Teacher Resources can be viewed here:
If you want to order your kits today, follow this link:

AWQA Day is a program of the Alberta Lake Management Society in partnership with Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development, and Alberta Tomorrow.AWQA Day is made possible through the generous support of our sponsor EPCOR.

For more information on Alberta Water Quality Awareness please visit

Or contact:
(780) 415-9785


Jackson Woren, B.Sc, BIT
Lakewatch Technician

How Naapi Helped the OWC Find a Face in time for World Water Day

Central to Communications and Outreach for the OWC is the invention of a new visual branding element - not a new logo, but something we can use in addition to our current logo - an image that immediately conveys who we are to the public at large.