City of Lethbridge's Waste & Recycling December Newsletter

Hi all,

Hope you’re doing well and enjoying winter so far! Just a note to keep you up to date with some of our programs happening this month:

Yard Waste Sites Close Nov. 30: This weekend is your last chance to take leaves and branches to yard waste sites, as they close this coming Monday. We’ve already collected nearly 1,000,000kg of organic materials so far this year! More info here:

Create Memories, Not Garbage: This program encourages residents to consider the environmental impact of their purchases around the holiday season. There’s lots of great resources and suggestions for “green gifts” this holiday season on our website here:

Christmas Tree Recycling: On Saturday, January 9, local youth groups will be running our annual tree recycling program. Trees are collected around town and then mulched, helping us to divert around 2,000 trees from the landfill each year! More info here:

Finally, there will be a presentation to Finance Committee next Monday, November 30th at 1:00pm regarding the Residential Waste Diversion Strategy. The public is always welcome to attend, and you can see the materials that will be presented here:

As always, if you have any questions or I can help you out in any way, please feel free to let me know!

Cheers, Tyler Stewart
Programming Assistant City of Lethbridge,
Waste & Recycling Services 403.320.4724