How safe is our groundwater in southern Alberta? New study - the science is out!

How safe is our groundwater in southern Alberta? New study - the science is out!

Water comes to us in many forms - there are no glaciers left in southern Alberta, but their legacy, in the form of precious groundwater, lives on. How are the nitrates from ranching and agriculture affecting what we drink? If it's science, the answer is complex ... 

Local Ecology seen from the Blackfoot Paradigm OPEN HOUSE

Local Ecology seen from the Blackfoot Paradigm OPEN HOUSE

With confidence that short notice is better than none at all, I would like to extend an invitation to residents of the Oldman Watershed, to join myself and the staff of the Helen Schuler Nature Center in Lethbridge, for an open house event tomorrow afternoon, January 14th from 2:00 – 5:30.  We will be celebrating the unveiling of two new exhibits featuring models for understanding and appreciating our local ecology…

#greendrinksyql - What is Green Drinks?

#greendrinksyql - What is Green Drinks?

This month’s Green Drinks Lethbridge was attended by long-time residents as well as neophytes who recently arrived in the city. It was a friendly and relaxed assemblage that gathered ‘round the tables, including staff from the Oldman Watershed Council, Environment Lethbridge, and the Helen Schuler Nature Centre; people with backgrounds in environmental consulting, farming, and the healthcare industry; and interested community members...

December Newsletter

December Newsletter

If you are curious about what our new staff members have been up to and want the latest details on what's happening around the watershed, check out our December newsletter....  What's NOT in there is that we will be finally moving our offices in the first week of January. Anyone with willing hands to help pack, unpack and set up our space - please get in touch <3 We are also looking for office furniture and equipment to help us get settled in - we'll be needing everything from desks to dishes. 

With all best wishes for a very merry Christmas and happy holidays!

Is our Oldman watershed in a Federal-Provincial tug-of-war?

Is our Oldman watershed in a Federal-Provincial tug-of-war?

Who's the boss of the water? The province? The feds? The town? How can anyone make sense out of all this legislation? Who is responsible for something like flooding, anyway? Our Political Science Intern, Mairin Gettman, takes a look at legislation and how it affects the watershed. A BIG SHOUT OUT to Adam Driedzic of the Environmental Law Centre, who assisted in no small way with this project: THANK YOU! 

Funding available - WLP Program NOW OPEN!

Funding available - WLP Program NOW OPEN!

If you are a landowner, you are a watershed steward! The OWC provides technical assistance, funding and administrative support for watershed projects. We help you identify and prioritize the areas and resources required to ...

Recreation or Wreckreation?

Recreation or Wreckreation?

It was standing-room only at the recent Southern Alberta Council for Public Affairs (SACPA) talk on Thursday, November 19th. It's a municipal and headwaters look at OHV use and the recommendations that surround this hot topic ...

Please welcome Cody Spencer and ... the Watershed Legacy Program (WLP)

Please welcome Cody Spencer and  ...                         the Watershed Legacy Program (WLP)

Cody Spencer is a bison rancher, owning and operating the successful Sweetgrass Bison business. He has also been a star volunteer with the OWC this summer, working in the headwaters with riparian restoration and with the Recreation Users Education Project. Now Cody is taking the lead on OWC's Watershed Legacy Program (WLP), which provides support for landowners ...

Dutch Creek Restoration Event

Dutch Creek Restoration Event

We are currently allocating a good chunk of money towards flood mitigation in the province. Science has proven that bio-engineering in the headwaters is the most effective flood prevention method available. Recently the OWC and partners teamed up for some boots-on-the-ground work ...