#greendrinksyql - What is Green Drinks?

(First Tuesday of every month between 4-6pm
at the Owl Acoustic Lounge in Lethbridge)

Green Drinks is an international meetup! Cities around the world meet monthly and invitations are often via Twitter (hence the hashtag). And because in the Twitterverse you want to be concise, we use the airport designations instead of writing out the city name (hence 'yql'). In Calgary, you can find out about the next Green Drinks there by searching #greendrinksyyc ... and so on ...  All are welcome!

This month’s Green Drinks Lethbridge was attended by long-time residents as well as neophytes who recently arrived in the city. It was a friendly and relaxed assemblage that gathered ‘round the tables, including staff from the Oldman Watershed Council, Environment Lethbridge, and the Helen Schuler Nature Centre; people with backgrounds in environmental consulting, farming, and the healthcare industry; and interested community members.

Conversations meandered like a good, old river, (agendas are not 'set' - the conversation happens as it happens) but a few of the topics discussed included:

> this week’s SACPA presentation http://www.sacpa.ca/index.php?p=38&action=view_session&ID=1163 about the proposed coal mine at Grassy Mountain in the Crowsnest Pass (see www.sacpa.ca for more details), -

> the new permanent river valley exhibit and open house http://www.lethbridge.ca/Things-To-Do/Nature-Centre/Pages/Whats-New.aspx (January 14) at the Helen Schuler Nature Centre, -

> industry-specific job creation and education in today’s economic climate, and -

> the Oldman Watershed Council’s new downtown office, which is only partially furnished (any donations of office wares and/or help with moving would be greatly appreciated!)

> Last month at Green Drinks, OWC Communications Specialist Anna Garleff unveiled the Oldman Watershed Council’s new interactive display board, and captivated those in attendance with the origin story and symbolism behind the logo. Who knows what next month will bring? We hope you will join us!

Green Drinks meets in Lethbridge on the first Tuesday of every month at 4 pm at the Owl Acoustic Lounge (411 3 Ave South). Meetings are on an open-house, informal basis—all are welcome; bring a friend, to enjoy conversing and sharing in an easygoing manner. Drinking is not a requirement, but any food or beverage is paid for individually. As a diverse group of environmentally-minded folks, we might discuss topics ranging from communication, outreach, collaboration, environment, community, networking, learning, social media, marketing, and mentoring—of course, the main goal is to gather sans agenda and enjoy each other's company.

What is Green Drinks?

What began in 1989 in a pub in Northern London has now spread to over 600 cities in 73 countries - and it's still growing! Green Drinks brings together a lively mix of people from all walks of life: academics, NGOs, local businesses, and government agencies. The goal is to create an organic, self-organizing network where everyone is welcome. It's a great way to catch up with people you already know, as well as an opportunity to meet new people and make new connections. These events are very simple and unstructured, but many people have found employment, made friends, developed new ideas, done deals, and had their own share of "aha" moments. For more information on Green Drinks International, visit www.greendrinks.org.

*Join us for the next Green Drinks on February 2nd! *

Sofie Forsström, Education Program Manager
cell: 1-403-382-8974