
OWC Rallies for Oldman Watershed Through GivingTuesday!

OWC Rallies for Oldman Watershed Through GivingTuesday!

Oldman Watershed Council launches GivingTuesday movement in support of Oldman watershed restoration efforts. GivingTuesday is “the opening day of the giving season”. Giving is a lifelong commitment, and a giving day is a special celebration, a reminder to all of us to think of others and our communities as well as ourselves. GivingTuesday is more than a moment, it’s a movement.



Here is the media release for the Southern Alberta Water Charter Closing Ceremony on Friday November 17th. It is a FREE event and all are welcome, but please register so we can plan for your participation (and lunch!). Is your area getting an award?

Welcome Yvonne Barker to OWC staff!

Welcome Yvonne Barker to OWC staff!

It's been an exciting week at OWC - and the addition of our new staff member is a huge part of it! Let us introduce the fabulous Yvonne Barker - we are thrilled to have her on board! Read more about Yvonne here ... or just come on by the office and say hello! 

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Please join us in Taber January 31, Twin Butte February 10 or Stavely March 1!

The Oldman Watershed Council is excited to introduce a new brand of events called Voices of the Oldman.  These events are an important opportunity to have your voice heard both locally and provincially. What we hear at these events will shape our projects and also the advice we give to the Government of Alberta. 

How I Got "Smarter"... in 2 Days!

How I Got "Smarter"... in 2 Days!

You can get "smarter" too with the 5 things that Taren learned at the Farming Smarter Conference and Tradeshow 2016. The connection between urban and rural was a big theme, so whether you live in town or in the country, take a few moments and check out this blog on everything from crop research, to 4-H to facts about flax, and no-till practices - and why it matters for the food you eat and the health of the watershed.  

PNWER: “The Gold Standard of US - Canada Relations”

PNWER: “The Gold Standard of US - Canada Relations”

Pacific North West Economic Region Foundation - PNWR! OWC's Executive Director, Shannon Frank, recently presented at the Canada / USA conference, as our Engaging Recreationists Project is considered an example of best practice on both sides of the border. There were also work sessions on water policy and practice...

Riparian Restoration Event!

Riparian Restoration Event!

Last chance to get out in the backcountry this season and show some love for the Oldman! Join us for the big bioengineering event of the year - no experience necessary - just a willing attitude and helping hands. Hot lunch and carpooling available - bring a friend or two and make a day of it! You do need to register, but it is free ... 

Only a week left to renew!

Only a week left to renew!

Having a large membership helps OWC get funding and attract volunteers. It's FREE! So why not join? OWC membership is open to any interested individuals, organizations, municipalities, and irrigation districts that is located, works or plays within the Oldman Watershed Basin. 


Get out into the backcountry & help restore trails!

Get out into the backcountry & help restore trails!

Want to spend a day among friends helping restore flood-damaged trails in the beautiful backcountry?  Then read on! There are several opportunities coming up at various location in the watershed ...

What We Learned at Holding the Reins and Watershed Legacy Program 2016 Recipients Announced!

What We Learned at Holding the Reins and Watershed Legacy Program 2016 Recipients Announced!

The 2016 Watershed Legacy Program recipients are announced. Holding the Reins was a great success! We heard from stewardship groups and producers about...

#greendrinksyql - What is Green Drinks?

#greendrinksyql - What is Green Drinks?

This month’s Green Drinks Lethbridge was attended by long-time residents as well as neophytes who recently arrived in the city. It was a friendly and relaxed assemblage that gathered ‘round the tables, including staff from the Oldman Watershed Council, Environment Lethbridge, and the Helen Schuler Nature Centre; people with backgrounds in environmental consulting, farming, and the healthcare industry; and interested community members...

Recreation or Wreckreation?

Recreation or Wreckreation?

It was standing-room only at the recent Southern Alberta Council for Public Affairs (SACPA) talk on Thursday, November 19th. It's a municipal and headwaters look at OHV use and the recommendations that surround this hot topic ...

Lunch & Learn

Lunch & Learn

Something new for the OWC! Lunch & Learn on Wednesday, September 30th will give us a chance to network and hear the latest about our two main projects this summer: the Recreational Vehicle Users' Education and the Film Project. Bring a friend and we'll see you for lunch! Please register ...