10 Questions with....Api’soomaahka (aka William Singer III)

10 Questions with....Api’soomaahka (aka William Singer III)

The driveway had been repaired since our last visit, and our ascent was smooth. Perched atop a grassy knoll, Api’soomaahka’s (William Singer III) home is one of many on Kainai Nation. Rolling hills and prairie stretch out toward Chief Mountain, dappled with varying hues of green from the patches of native grass crawling over the landscape. Api’soomaahka came to greet us as blackbirds swooped overhead. 

Escape with OWC into a 3D Virtual Ecological Environment

Escape with OWC into a 3D Virtual Ecological Environment

OWC is committed to ecological restoration work in this and every other version of reality. What do we mean by that? No, we’re not talking about Matrix 5: Neo’s Creek (fun as that would be); we’re talking about the OWC’s custom-made watershed stewardship virtual reality program supported by the RBC Foundation.