
BlueW Hits Lethbridge #SAWC17

BlueW Hits Lethbridge #SAWC17

Lethbridge has 8 Hydration Stations! This is part of their Southern Alberta Water Charter 2017 action to protecting water quality and health of the watershed! Find out more about these stations and the BlueW that you will see turning up in business windows across the City!

Building Relationships: In good company

Building Relationships: In good company

You will probably have seen the 3 videos that are now out about urban watershed management and health. They are available on our You Tube channel. Now in the works are 3 videos on urban themes - again, from a scientific viewpoint, one for the kids and one for the public. Thanks to the Potato Growers of Alberta for their collaboration and support of our Film Project ... and this write-up!

Livingstone Landowners Guild Showcases Local Non-profits

Livingstone Landowners Guild Showcases Local Non-profits

Recently, the Livingstone Landowners Guild hosted a “Who’s Who and What they Do” event to introduce local landowners to the many non-profit organizations operating in their area.

At the event, much of the open discussion focused on headwaters management and what impact the Government of Alberta Livingstone and Porcupine Hills Land Footprint Management Plan and Recreation Management Plans that are currently underway will have.

City will Participate in Water Charter

City will Participate in Water Charter

The Oldman Watershed Council hopes to unite municipalities and organizations to protect the local water supply.

On Monday, Lethbridge City Council agreed to add their name to a Southern Alberta Water Charter proposed by the OWC. Signing the charter pledges action and commitment to the betterment of the health of the Oldman watershed.

Watershed Legacy Program in the Porcupine Hills

Watershed Legacy Program in the Porcupine Hills

Believe it or not, cattle are fussy critters. Yessiree, if there's a choice between drinking from a mucky old hole, or a fresh bubbling water source - guess which they pick? Keeping cows away from streams is something that the OWC is actively supporting: not only in word, but indeed! (pun intended) So funders are sought and funding is awarded for projects ...

PNWER: “The Gold Standard of US - Canada Relations”

PNWER: “The Gold Standard of US - Canada Relations”

Pacific North West Economic Region Foundation - PNWR! OWC's Executive Director, Shannon Frank, recently presented at the Canada / USA conference, as our Engaging Recreationists Project is considered an example of best practice on both sides of the border. There were also work sessions on water policy and practice...

Riparian Restoration Event!

Riparian Restoration Event!

Last chance to get out in the backcountry this season and show some love for the Oldman! Join us for the big bioengineering event of the year - no experience necessary - just a willing attitude and helping hands. Hot lunch and carpooling available - bring a friend or two and make a day of it! You do need to register, but it is free ... 

Innovation in Irrigation

Innovation in Irrigation

Well, the long weekend is coming up and people will be heading for the hills. But what about our dedicated farmers? It is their busy season right now, and hail and rainstorms have not helped matters. Agriculture is the lifeblood of southern Alberta. That lifeblood is the Oldman. Irrigation has made its mark on our economy and on our landscape and users of irrigation water in southern Alberta are always searching for innovative ways to improve efficiencies. Here's a little tribute to our growers, and all the rural people who steward the land ...

Headwaters Action Plan – We've Come A Long Way!

Headwaters Action Plan – We've Come A  Long Way!

Strategically ... what's behind all the OWC activity? How do we decide which actions to take, what advice to provide government with ... and who says? Here's an update from Larin Guenther, OWC's Planning Manager. HAP, HAT, PAN ... and other need-to-know acronyms unpacked.

Attend OWC's Annual General Meeting!

Attend OWC's Annual General Meeting!

Join Us! This is your opportunity to catch up with friends, make new ones and have fun learning about OWC's accomplishments over the past year! Interactive games and unique door prizes top off this free event in Lethbridge! Register today!!

Only a week left to renew!

Only a week left to renew!

Having a large membership helps OWC get funding and attract volunteers. It's FREE! So why not join? OWC membership is open to any interested individuals, organizations, municipalities, and irrigation districts that is located, works or plays within the Oldman Watershed Basin. 


Get out into the backcountry & help restore trails!

Get out into the backcountry & help restore trails!

Want to spend a day among friends helping restore flood-damaged trails in the beautiful backcountry?  Then read on! There are several opportunities coming up at various location in the watershed ...

What We Learned at Holding the Reins and Watershed Legacy Program 2016 Recipients Announced!

What We Learned at Holding the Reins and Watershed Legacy Program 2016 Recipients Announced!

The 2016 Watershed Legacy Program recipients are announced. Holding the Reins was a great success! We heard from stewardship groups and producers about...

Westslope Cutthroat Trout: Recovery Efforts, Critical Habitat Order and More….

Westslope Cutthroat Trout: Recovery Efforts, Critical Habitat Order and More….

Since the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada announced a Critical Habitat Order for the Alberta populations of Westslope Cutthroat Trout (WSCT) there has been both applause and concerns...

How safe is our groundwater in southern Alberta? New study - the science is out!

How safe is our groundwater in southern Alberta? New study - the science is out!

Water comes to us in many forms - there are no glaciers left in southern Alberta, but their legacy, in the form of precious groundwater, lives on. How are the nitrates from ranching and agriculture affecting what we drink? If it's science, the answer is complex ... 

#greendrinksyql - What is Green Drinks?

#greendrinksyql - What is Green Drinks?

This month’s Green Drinks Lethbridge was attended by long-time residents as well as neophytes who recently arrived in the city. It was a friendly and relaxed assemblage that gathered ‘round the tables, including staff from the Oldman Watershed Council, Environment Lethbridge, and the Helen Schuler Nature Centre; people with backgrounds in environmental consulting, farming, and the healthcare industry; and interested community members...

Recreation or Wreckreation?

Recreation or Wreckreation?

It was standing-room only at the recent Southern Alberta Council for Public Affairs (SACPA) talk on Thursday, November 19th. It's a municipal and headwaters look at OHV use and the recommendations that surround this hot topic ...