Taren Hager

OWC Out On The Land

OWC Out On The Land

You may not even be aware of what it takes to be a good steward of the land if you didn't grow up on a farm or ranch - but most folks these days are taking a keen interest in where their food comes from, and keeping water quality healthy. This new blogpost talks about OWC's work on the land - interesting for everybody who lives, works, recreates and invests in Southern Alberta!

OWC Goes to the Museum

OWC Goes to the Museum

Looking for family-friendly programs this summer? Catch OWC at Galt Museum not once, not twice, but three times for some fun and educational activities - all about the watershed we call home! 

Who Are OWC's New Board Members?

Who Are OWC's New Board Members?

Who is the OWC? Of course, the answer is YOU! Members, volunteers, donors, sponsors, collaborators, staff - and Board. Our 2016 - 2017 AGM was held last week and we'd like to give you a few sparkling highlights and some background on our new Board members! Please share! 

Voices of the Oldman: Taber Success, on to Twin Butte!

Voices of the Oldman: Taber Success, on to Twin Butte!

A great turn out at the first Voices of the Oldman: Ag Matters session in Taber last week. Lots of great discussion on watershed stewardship. We look forward to the upcoming Twin Butte & Area session on Feb 10. Check out first hand here - the experts who will be providing updates on stewardship initiatives in that area and what outcomes to expect in participating in the roundtable discussions yourself!

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Please join us in Taber January 31, Twin Butte February 10 or Stavely March 1!

The Oldman Watershed Council is excited to introduce a new brand of events called Voices of the Oldman.  These events are an important opportunity to have your voice heard both locally and provincially. What we hear at these events will shape our projects and also the advice we give to the Government of Alberta. 

How I Got "Smarter"... in 2 Days!

How I Got "Smarter"... in 2 Days!

You can get "smarter" too with the 5 things that Taren learned at the Farming Smarter Conference and Tradeshow 2016. The connection between urban and rural was a big theme, so whether you live in town or in the country, take a few moments and check out this blog on everything from crop research, to 4-H to facts about flax, and no-till practices - and why it matters for the food you eat and the health of the watershed.  

The Adventures of Lazy Cat

The Adventures of Lazy Cat

This is lazy cat. Don't be lazy cat - please remember the Oldman on your shopping list! Our hard work depends on gifts from people like you who are helping us ensure clean water for all Albertans for generations to come! If you've never donated before, you'll be pleasantly surprised how easy it is - and what a difference even just a small donation makes. It's a one-click gift! You are making a difference - thank you!

How to Grow Lunch from Fish Waste - Aquaponics & Other Agricultural Innovations

How to Grow Lunch from Fish Waste - Aquaponics & Other Agricultural Innovations

If you're an urbanite, you probably don't care about BMPs or know what they are. But I bet you've been to restaurants downtown and have eaten some pretty special veg!!! So whether you're a farmer, a rancher, or a city resident who just wants to understand where your food (Read: water) comes from .... read on!  This article details lots of great resources in regards to sustainability in agriculture.

Innovation in Irrigation

Innovation in Irrigation

Well, the long weekend is coming up and people will be heading for the hills. But what about our dedicated farmers? It is their busy season right now, and hail and rainstorms have not helped matters. Agriculture is the lifeblood of southern Alberta. That lifeblood is the Oldman. Irrigation has made its mark on our economy and on our landscape and users of irrigation water in southern Alberta are always searching for innovative ways to improve efficiencies. Here's a little tribute to our growers, and all the rural people who steward the land ...

Attend OWC's Annual General Meeting!

Attend OWC's Annual General Meeting!

Join Us! This is your opportunity to catch up with friends, make new ones and have fun learning about OWC's accomplishments over the past year! Interactive games and unique door prizes top off this free event in Lethbridge! Register today!!

Only a week left to renew!

Only a week left to renew!

Having a large membership helps OWC get funding and attract volunteers. It's FREE! So why not join? OWC membership is open to any interested individuals, organizations, municipalities, and irrigation districts that is located, works or plays within the Oldman Watershed Basin.