You've loaded the trailer, driven to your favourite backcountry hideaway... only to find it's been "staked" out with willows and fence posts! What is going on? Find out how YOU can help keep our rivers healthy, just by letting these areas recover.
We Go Everywhere, Man; We've Been Everywhere
Farewell, So Long! to our Outreach Assistants
Watershed's Most Wanted: Invasive Weeds
Waterton: Post-Fire Snapshot
The Importance of Building Bridges
Lost Creek Restoration
Welcome, Dylan and Dorothy!
That's All, Folks!
Staking Out the Backcountry
Beyond a Shadow of a Drought...
Bioindicators: No Backbone Required
Parks for All, and All for Parks!
Water You Celebrating this Canada Day?
The Good, The Bad, and the Weedy
Please help OWC fight the aliens. There are opportunities to get out on the land all summer! Did you know that there are some plants that can devastate our water security in Alberta? Read on to understand the threat that these invaders pose to our drinking water and to learn more about what is being done, and what you can do to help!
One for the Books - May Long 2017
2017 Outreach Assistants: Reuben Middel
2017 Outreach Assistants: Francisco Samayoa
2017 Outreach Assistant: Nata de Leeuw
We're Hiring! 2017 Seasonal Outreach Assistants
Do you want to spend your summer in the backcountry, engaging in face-to-face conversations and boots-on-the-ground stewardship? Do you relish the challenge of communicating scientific information to diverse audiences? If you are looking to improve your outreach & communications skills, while making a difference in your watershed...