2017 Outreach Assistants: Francisco Samayoa

As part of OWC's Engaging Recreationists program, we hire seasonal Outreach Assistants (OAs) to engage backcountry users in conversations about recreation and watershed health. We'd like to introduce you to another OA hired for 2017, Francisco Samayoa.

Francisco was born and raised in Medicine Hat, Alberta. After graduating high school, he enrolled in the Exercise Science program at the Lethbridge College, with the idea of being a physiotherapist and a part-time personal trainer. It was while living in Lethbridge that his passion for the environment started growing.

Being so close to Waterton National Park, Francisco would take every chance he could to drive to see what adventures he could find. After graduating from the Exercise Science program, he realized that his real passion was for protecting and preserving the environment, so he enrolled in the Renewable Resource Management program at the Lethbridge College. It is here he learned the important roles plants play in the environment by helping preserve and restore its ecological health. Francisco is now enrolled in the Biological Science degree at the University of Lethbridge, with future plans to further the research on the ecological importance of plants. He is hoping to bring his knowledge of the environment to his role at OWC.

Welcome to the team, Francisco!