We had a busy summer travelling the watershed to speak to people of all ages about the health of the watershed and how each of us has a big role to play. Just our two summer Outreach Assistants (students from the University of Lethbridge) had face-to-face conversations with over 1000 people, including many kids, and played interactive games to highlight the importance of water quality, preventing invasive species, and protecting native fish.
We also helped many of our partners pull thousands of weeds and plant hundreds of seedlings and willows to restore damaged streambanks. Watching these trees and shrubs grow back is very rewarding because we know they are filtering water, holding back sediment, and providing habitat for fish and wildlife.
Summer 2018 Highlights:
Interactive learning activities at the Magrath Chautauqua family event.
Presented at the Nanton Town Council water talks.
Hands-on activities for students at Day on the Creek with the Pincher Outdoor Education Movement.
Presented at the Traditional and Contemporary Environmental Management workshop on Piikani Reserve.
Interactive learning activities at the Doors Open & Heritage Festival in Crowsnest Pass.
One of the organizers and hosts of the 2-day Southern Alberta Grazing School for Women held in the Stavely area this year.
Spoke to campers at Beauvais Lake as part of Alberta Parks Speaker Series and for Parks Day.
Attended the Kainai Environmental Protection Association Summit at the University of Lethbridge and Blood Reserve.
Hosted the Climate Express Workshop with All One Sky Foundation in Lethbridge.
Sponsored and attended the MD of Pincher Creek Transboundary Water, Weeds and Stewardship Tour.
Helped deck a bridge across Allison Creek with Crowsnest Pass Quad Squad for Ed Gregor Stewardship Day.
Planted trees in Brocket with Piikani Lands Department and Sustainability Resources.
Engaged visitors to the Helen Schuler Nature Centre in interactive learning games.
Visited some 21st-Century Watershed Superheroes at Barons School.
Pulled thousands of invasive weeds in partnership with the Castle Crown Wilderness Coalition, Pincher Creek Watershed Group, Helen Schuler Nature Centre, and Nature Conservancy of Canada.
Planted hundreds of seedlings along Hidden Creek in partnership with Alberta Environment and Parks.
Spoke to campers and engaged them in interactive learning activities at Chinook Lake, Allison Creek, Dutch Creek, Oldman Dam, Castle Falls, and Lethbridge at Nature Play Day and Canada Day.
Installed willows and repaired wattle fencing at Lost Creek to restore streambank, in partnership with Alberta Environment and Parks.
Planting seedlings along Hidden Creek. July 26, 2018.
Engaging families at Parks Day at Beauvais Lake. July 21, 2018.
Learning from the Kainai at the Kainai Environmental Protection Association Summit. June 5, 2018.
Pulling weeds at the Pincher Creek Watershed Group Blueweed Blitz. July 7, 2018.
A huge thank you to everyone who donated
April – August 2018!
Your support helps ensure clean water for future generations.
Individual Donors:
Cor Van Raay
Antoine Gendron
Rosemary Jones
Terry Kerkhoff
Shannon Frank
Virginia Grinevitch
Kirsten Hironaka
Shelly Wismath
Jason Josey
Anonymous donor
Thank you:
MD of Willow Creek
Town of Coaldale
MD of Ranchlands
Ms. Kozak’s grade 4/5 class at Barons School
Alberta Irrigation Projects Association
Lethbridge North County Co-op
Alberta Ecotrust Foundation
Richardson Oilseed Ltd.
S.M. Blair Family Foundation
Environment Canada Habitat Stewardship Program
Alberta Environment and Parks
Volunteers Needed to Help Restore Streambanks*
Willow harvest: Thursday, October 11*
Willow staking: Saturday, October 13*
Help plant willows at our Backcountry Restoration Event on October 13*
All are welcome to join OWC and Cows and Fish as we host our annual backcountry volunteer restoration event! For the past 3 years we have been restoring damaged streambanks along creeks that are vital westslope cutthroat trout and bull trout habitat.
Hot food and beverages, transportation, and tools are provided – we just need volunteers who can dedicate one day to the watershed.
Hands-on action is critical to our work engaging recreationists to minimize their impact on the watershed. Restoration events allow recreationists to help steward the places they love and demonstrate their commitment to environmental health as well as high quality outdoor experiences.
*pending project approval