Curious about water levels, flood and drought advisories, and preciptation in Alberta? Check out the Alberta River Basins app and online tool!
Precision Agriculture Improves Watershed Health
Water Builds Community
“The Oldman Watershed Council allows everyone to have a voice and tell their story,” was Kyle Gouw’s answer as to why they chose to donate to the Oldman Watershed Council. “Everyone has a story about water. Water is not one person’s responsibility; it is everyone’s responsibility. Water ties us together. Water builds community.”
Southern Alberta relies on intensive agriculture and livestock production. When you drive through the countryside, what do you see? Lots of people want to know that their food is safe - but how much attention do we pay to what happens on our fields? There is real innovation happening in the Oldman watershed - and here's a story about hemp use and a special kind of recycling - another #SAWC17 project!
No GMO in your potato?!
New cartoon for kids!
"Voices of the Oldman" Kicks Off in Taber
Find out a little bit more about the experts providing panel updates on agricultural stewardship activities that they are currently working on at the first Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters session in Taber on Jan 31, 2017 from 2-5pm. Plus, more details on what outcomes can be expected by those participating.
Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters
Please join us in Taber January 31, Twin Butte February 10 or Stavely March 1!
The Oldman Watershed Council is excited to introduce a new brand of events called Voices of the Oldman. These events are an important opportunity to have your voice heard both locally and provincially. What we hear at these events will shape our projects and also the advice we give to the Government of Alberta.
Invasive Mussels Closing in on Alberta
Bow River Phosphorus Management Plan Implementation Update & Video Series
Building Relationships: In good company
You will probably have seen the 3 videos that are now out about urban watershed management and health. They are available on our You Tube channel. Now in the works are 3 videos on urban themes - again, from a scientific viewpoint, one for the kids and one for the public. Thanks to the Potato Growers of Alberta for their collaboration and support of our Film Project ... and this write-up!
How to Grow Lunch from Fish Waste - Aquaponics & Other Agricultural Innovations
If you're an urbanite, you probably don't care about BMPs or know what they are. But I bet you've been to restaurants downtown and have eaten some pretty special veg!!! So whether you're a farmer, a rancher, or a city resident who just wants to understand where your food (Read: water) comes from .... read on! This article details lots of great resources in regards to sustainability in agriculture.
Water Monitoring - What's in it for you?
What's the government doing to ensure we have clean, clear water for generations to come? OWC is transitioning from Headwaters Protection (Goal 3 of its Integrated Watershed Management Plan) to Goal 6 - WATER QUALITY. This is a summary of the recent annual Water Quality Monitoring Workshop held in Lethbridge ...
2016 Water Monitoring Workshop
You are invited to register for the “2016 Water Monitoring Workshop” designed to bring together individuals and groups to share ideas, experiences and technologies related to the monitoring of water. The scope includes quality and the quantity of water in surface and groundwater. This two day event will include ...
Innovation in Irrigation
Well, the long weekend is coming up and people will be heading for the hills. But what about our dedicated farmers? It is their busy season right now, and hail and rainstorms have not helped matters. Agriculture is the lifeblood of southern Alberta. That lifeblood is the Oldman. Irrigation has made its mark on our economy and on our landscape and users of irrigation water in southern Alberta are always searching for innovative ways to improve efficiencies. Here's a little tribute to our growers, and all the rural people who steward the land ...