OWC is committed to ecological restoration work in this and every other version of reality. What do we mean by that? No, we’re not talking about Matrix 5: Neo’s Creek (fun as that would be); we’re talking about the OWC’s custom-made watershed stewardship virtual reality program supported by the RBC Foundation.
Randy's Parting Impressions
ABC's of the Alberta Watercourse Crossing Inventory (AbWCI) App
Public Lands Passes & Permits
Hiding in the Headwaters: Species at Risk
Don't Sweat It: Willow Staking in a Heat Wave
Headwaters Restoration (Part 1/3): Behind-the-Scenes
(Still) Staking Out the Backcountry
Farewell, So Long! to our Outreach Assistants
Hidden Gem in the Headwaters
Fish Sticks Video
Draft Land Use Plans Will Improve Watershed Health
Protecting What We Love
The eastern slopes should be a place for OHV users, campers, anglers, hunters, hikers and everyone in between. But in order for that to happen, activities need to be supported accordingly. Under the current framework that simply isn’t possible. The draft plans released March 27, 2018 offer a path forward.
En Garde! Protecting Riparian Zones
Staking Out the Backcountry
What is With the Development in the Castle Parks?
There has been a lot of talk about the road paving to the Castle and the installation of water lines - along the lines of this development can't be good for the watershed. We are THRILLED that so many people are beginning to consider the impact of development! Here's the inside scoop, and the science to base your arguments on ...
Willow Stakes & Fence Posts : Backcountry Restoration Event 2016
What does it look like when a community rallies together - to protect drinking water and fish habitat, forging first-hand connections with the source of our river - while simultaneously making new friends? Broad smiles, muddy boots, and a gratifying sense of accomplishment, that’s what! Write-up and great photos here!
Livingstone Landowners Guild Showcases Local Non-profits
Recently, the Livingstone Landowners Guild hosted a “Who’s Who and What they Do” event to introduce local landowners to the many non-profit organizations operating in their area.
At the event, much of the open discussion focused on headwaters management and what impact the Government of Alberta Livingstone and Porcupine Hills Land Footprint Management Plan and Recreation Management Plans that are currently underway will have.
Watershed Legacy Program in the Porcupine Hills
Believe it or not, cattle are fussy critters. Yessiree, if there's a choice between drinking from a mucky old hole, or a fresh bubbling water source - guess which they pick? Keeping cows away from streams is something that the OWC is actively supporting: not only in word, but indeed! (pun intended) So funders are sought and funding is awarded for projects ...