2014 OWC Membership Renewal Deadline - April 30



Wednesday, April 30

Renew Your Membership online today!
Visit http://oldmanbasin.org/getinvolved/ to renew your membership online. 

Go to the tab "Get Involved" and click on "Membership Forms".  There is now four categories to choose from:  Individual, Organization, Municipal or Irrigation.

Click on the correct form for you and fill in all of the details - the ones marked with an asterisk is information that Alberta Corporate Registry requires us to keep on file.  Hit submit and it's done!

Why be a member of the OWC?
  • Receive discounts on OWC activities and events
  • Run as a member-at-large on the OWC Board of Directors
  • Vote for who you want to represent you as a member-at-large on the OWC Board of Directors
  • Be a part of the OWC community by choosing to be involved in a project or by volunteering.  Contact us if you're interested or want more information.   

There is no membership fee but voluntary donations make a big difference!

If you are unable to complete the renewal form online, please phone Bev
(403-381-5145) or by email and I'll register you manually.

Your membership is important to us - thanks for renewing it.  If you are not a member but would like to be, please register online or if you have questions, please call or email us.   

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Oldman Watershed Council | 100, 5401 - 1st Avenue South | Lethbridge | Alberta | T1K 4V6 | Canada

Will we have to boil water AGAIN?

From OWC's Executive Director, Shannon Frank: 

The recent boil water advisory in Lethbridge has brought into focus two things: how dependent we all are on upstream users to do a good job  - and how connected we are in a watershed. A watershed is the area of land that drains into a water body – as seen in the map, all that land drains into the Oldman River. And you can also see that Lethbridge is a little ways downstream.

The water quality problems in the river are complicated and there is not one obvious source, that if cleaned up, would ensure Lethbridge a clean water supply for the long term. What we have is a whole range of land uses that all contribute different types of contaminants – sediment, nutrients, pesticides, bacteria, pharmaceuticals, etc.

Recently in Lethbridge, the main problem was sediment overload, basically mud clogging filters at the water treatment plant. But where did all this mud come from?

Recreational use and forest harvesting in our mountain headwaters certainly contribute sediment, as does agriculture, oil and gas and urban communities that change the landscape. Every decision has a trade-off and many of the decisions we make create sediment and allow it to run off into our streams.

In the past, healthy wetlands and riparian zones (green zones along the water’s edge) had an important job - capture and filter run-off before it reached a creek or river. But we’ve removed wetlands and degraded riparian zones to the point where they can no longer do their job. So we try to replace that job with water treatment plants and that comes at an ever-increasing cost.

Having learned this lesson, there is a quiet push to put wetlands back, reclaim riparian zones and be more careful about what we put next to our rivers. Many landowners and local governments are leading this charge but it is yet to become a "mainstream" priority.

OWC and many other groups are working to change that. We are all contributing to the problem and can also all be part of the solution. That is what the OWC is all about – working together to find practical solutions to big challenges like water quality.

So will we have to boil water AGAIN? Most certainly. 

We can't expect to continue to do what we're doing - and even expand land uses - and maintain water quality. There will be consequences. 

There are plenty of opportunities to get involved. Whether you are a social media fan, a gardener or an outdoor enthusiast, the OWC needs your voice and hands. Several exciting initiatives are happening  - we'd love you to be part of them.

All best wishes,
Shannon Frank

Introducing OWC Blogger Barbara Amos

Hello - my name is Barbara Amos and this is my story of how I am connected to the Oldman Watershed and the OWC.

I am an artist and after many years of working a studio in the urban centre, I felt a need to reconnect to the land. The insistence of the urban grid was beginning to feel overwhelming.   I spent a month in the Crowsnest Pass. When I was there, I felt as if something invisible but powerful was having a  soothing effect on me. I began to understand the power of place. While this was a long way from where I grew up, and in many ways a foreign land to me, the sense of being in the right place was quite profound. Six months later, I had found a way to move my studio to the edge of the Pass. I look out onto a horizon that can both humble and awe the spirit.

To paint the landscape is to study it visually and perceptually. Artists study it with a sense of history, as we look back on how other artists have voiced their interest in the land. We try to add something new to that conversation, and in doing so, we ask how we make our work relevant to the world  today. The artistic effort is one of inquiry, one of curiosity - a series of questions about our place in the world and our effect upon it.

As I work, I am gathering information about the area and I become more engaged with the local community. Their concerns become mine. I find myself amazed at the amount of work that a small group of people are doing to try to create a voice for the watersheds and the wild lands that they sustain. I learn about the headwaters and how their degradation has enormous impact. All land use issues eventually come back to the watershed.  This land is so striking, so huge and yet it is also silent.  The land does not have a voice that is heard easily in the urban setting.  We have to create that voice.

As I studied the traditions of Canadian landscape painting, I began to ask: How does an artist today create a voice for the land for the watershed, for all that it supports? Perhaps there are other artists who would like to consider this as an opening for a conversation?

I share an image of an oil painting of part of our watershed: "Fields and Sky"... and look forward to this new conversation.

Barbara Amos

Introducing OWC Guest Blogger Stephanie Vehnon

My name is Stephanie Vehnon and I currently live in Lethbridge, Alberta. I moved from Yorkton, Saskatchewan, pursuing Diploma in Environmental Monitoring and Protection at Lakeland College in 2009. At Lakeland College, I was the Environment Club President and initiated a recycling program for the Vermilion and Lloydminster campuses. It was here that I learned my passion for the environment. My major was in air, soil and water monitoring and management – I realized that water quality management is the area of most interest to me. It fascinates me how a resource such as water can mean so much to the survival of living organisms.
After Lakeland College, I decided to continue on and obtained a Bachelor of Science Degree, majoring in Environmental Science, at the University of Lethbridge in 2013. When I moved to Lethbridge in 2011, I discovered the Oldman Watershed Council and wanted to get involved. I contributed as much as I could, while a full time student at the University of Lethbridge. In May 2013, I obtained a summer student position as the Environmental Program Assistant at the City of Lethbridge. This was a great experience that lasted until December 2013. Here I learned the value of storm drain pollution and the effects that pollution has on our Oldman River. In February 2014, I obtained a full time position with the City of Lethbridge as the Environmental Program Assistant, and continue to be a part of the Oldman Watershed Council.
Water management is a vital part of the future of our planet and all life forms. I take a keen interest in ways we can monitor and manage this necessary resource. I take a strong interest in the Oldman Watershed Council, how far it has come, and the future directions and goals of this non-profit organization. I learn more and more each time I connect with this group. A main reason I became a part of the OWC’s Communications and Outreach Team is to allow the message to be spread to the community and establish a connection with people, so they understand how valuable our watershed is. Many people do not realize that we are just a small portion of a larger picture – it fascinates me to spread this message to others and engage them in water education. Water connects us all, from the mountains in the West Coast, to the Hudson Bay in Ontario, and beyond! Watersheds are where we live, and they all flow into one another. Water quantity and quality is what we strive to maintain in order to secure the future of our water supply. Groups such as the Oldman Watershed Council help us monitor, manage and maintain water quality and quantity within our watersheds. From mind to body, to the physical and chemical atmosphere, water education and awareness allows communities to be aware and help to preserve the future of our water! One thing I have realized recently is if we just sit back, take a deep breath, and enjoy the natural environment for even just 10 minutes a day, it is amazing how relaxed, and connected with nature, we can be! I am pleased to be a part of the Oldman Watershed Council and look forward to being a part of many projects and future goals!

We’d like to tell you about a Field Notes Collective hosted event coming up on Wednesday, March 26th. Dr. Brad Stelfox will be visiting Lethbridge to present his lecture and visualization titled, The Transformation of Southern Alberta. Dr. Stelfox is a well-known Landscape Ecologist and passionate about land use in Alberta. Since this presentation is to the public, please invite others who may be interested! Wednesday, March 26th 6 pm AH 118 (Anderson Hall) University of Lethbridge

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Oldman Watershed Council (OWC)
The Oldman Watershed Council (OWC) is a charitable not-for-profit organization working throughout southern Alberta.
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Introducing one of our contributing bloggers Debby Gregorash

My name is Debby Gregorash and I live in Lethbridge. I tell people I was accidentally born and raised in Montreal because I dreamed of being a cowgirl in the west. After I received my Diploma of Agriculture, I worked on various dairy farms until I found my dream job on a ranch in Wyoming. Eventually I moved to Alberta and worked on a ranch, a dry-land farm, another dairy farm, and then a feedlot. I met Frank in 1978 and we married and raised two children. We are now grandparents and find that role much more relaxing. When my youngest started grade one I volunteered at an environmental resource centre. I took part in various environmental endeavors such as the Special Places project, the Green Clean Home classes, Red Wiggler worm demonstrations, environmental puppet shows, and took part in many other events. I have belonged to S.A.G.E. for at least 15 years and the Lethbridge Naturalists off and on for many years. When we lived in Coaldale I formed the Coaldale Ecology Club and gave classes on composting and water conservation. In 1995 I finished writing “Just Add Water: The History of the Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District”. I have written for several magazines over the years and am into my twenty-fifth year of writing an opinion column in the Sunny South News. I joined the predecessor to the Oldman Watershed Council, the Oldman River Basin Water Quality Initiative, back in 1998. I helped out where I could over the years between childrearing and the exploration of life. I’ve always appreciated the talented teams who have worked so hard to identify problems in the watershed and discovered creative solutions. My husband Frank and I own 240 acres of Foothills Parkland region next to Police Outpost Provincial Park southwest of Cardston. I named this place Setaspell (as in the closing verse of The Beverly Hillbillies – set a spell, take your shoes off, y’all come back now, y’a hear?) Setaspell, which is part of the Oldman Watershed, is both a school and a sanctuary. My mind is stretched as I study nature’s secrets and learn the ecology of this enchanting place. It lifts my spirit when I venture into sundrenched wild flower meadows and energizing forests. As a whole, this watershed and its creeks and rivers make up 75% of my body. There you have it. The Oldman Watershed is good for the body, mind, and soul! My greatest desire is to share this essential blend of awe and appreciation with everyone. I am honoured to be able to do this via the OWC’s Communication and Outreach Team.