What has the Backyard Wilderness project been up to? Here's a brief update on this #SAWC17 participant's current findings and future plans with her ongoing research project touching on urban wildlife. CLOSING CEREMONY: FRIDAY NOVEMBER 17th at Lethbridge City Hall!
Weeds in southwest Alberta: new research findings
Dr Sonia Graham from Australia has submitted a guest article about a study in southern Alberta. Ranchers, private companies, government organisations and non-government organisations (NGOs) were interviewed as part of a social research project titled “Collective Weed Management in Canada”. Read more about this weedy subject ...
Backyard Wilderness: Lethbridge Backyard Trail Camera Project
Linear Features here, there, and everywhere!
You've asked: "What does it matter how many trails there are? What does it matter if the trail is made by motorized vehicles or, say, horses? What does it matter if an abandoned access road is used as a trail? How can anybody say the backcountry isn't healthy - after all, I just saw a moose back there!" OWC's Rob Taylor answers all ...
SACPA Maps & Timeline
SACPA recently invited us to present at the Lethbridge Public Library and give an update on our current research. Anna Garleff, Communications Specialist, and Shannon Frank, Executive Director, welcomed a full house and were excited to present history, maps, timelines and videos to the crowd. Thank you for coming - we had representation from throughout the watershed and we were thrilled to see everyone there. Here's the narrated PowerPoint for those who couldn't make it.
Water Monitoring - What's in it for you?
What's the government doing to ensure we have clean, clear water for generations to come? OWC is transitioning from Headwaters Protection (Goal 3 of its Integrated Watershed Management Plan) to Goal 6 - WATER QUALITY. This is a summary of the recent annual Water Quality Monitoring Workshop held in Lethbridge ...