
BlueW Hits Lethbridge #SAWC17

BlueW Hits Lethbridge #SAWC17

Lethbridge has 8 Hydration Stations! This is part of their Southern Alberta Water Charter 2017 action to protecting water quality and health of the watershed! Find out more about these stations and the BlueW that you will see turning up in business windows across the City!

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Please join us in Taber January 31, Twin Butte February 10 or Stavely March 1!

The Oldman Watershed Council is excited to introduce a new brand of events called Voices of the Oldman.  These events are an important opportunity to have your voice heard both locally and provincially. What we hear at these events will shape our projects and also the advice we give to the Government of Alberta. 

SACPA Maps & Timeline

SACPA Maps & Timeline

SACPA recently invited us to present at the Lethbridge Public Library and give an update on our current research. Anna Garleff, Communications Specialist, and Shannon Frank, Executive Director, welcomed a full house  and were excited to present history, maps, timelines and videos to the crowd. Thank you for coming - we had representation from throughout the watershed and we were thrilled to see everyone there. Here's the narrated PowerPoint for those who couldn't make it.

Bow River Phosphorus Management Plan Implementation Update & Video Series

Bow River Phosphorus Management Plan Implementation Update & Video Series

If you live in the Oldman watershed, you should know that the Bow River to the north caters to a third of the province's population and joins the Oldman just past Taber to form the South Saskatchewan. This is about green water...and in this case, green is NOT environmentally friendly. 

City will Participate in Water Charter

City will Participate in Water Charter

The Oldman Watershed Council hopes to unite municipalities and organizations to protect the local water supply.

On Monday, Lethbridge City Council agreed to add their name to a Southern Alberta Water Charter proposed by the OWC. Signing the charter pledges action and commitment to the betterment of the health of the Oldman watershed.

Innovation in Irrigation

Innovation in Irrigation

Well, the long weekend is coming up and people will be heading for the hills. But what about our dedicated farmers? It is their busy season right now, and hail and rainstorms have not helped matters. Agriculture is the lifeblood of southern Alberta. That lifeblood is the Oldman. Irrigation has made its mark on our economy and on our landscape and users of irrigation water in southern Alberta are always searching for innovative ways to improve efficiencies. Here's a little tribute to our growers, and all the rural people who steward the land ...

Only a week left to renew!

Only a week left to renew!

Having a large membership helps OWC get funding and attract volunteers. It's FREE! So why not join? OWC membership is open to any interested individuals, organizations, municipalities, and irrigation districts that is located, works or plays within the Oldman Watershed Basin. 


Is our Oldman watershed in a Federal-Provincial tug-of-war?

Is our Oldman watershed in a Federal-Provincial tug-of-war?

Who's the boss of the water? The province? The feds? The town? How can anyone make sense out of all this legislation? Who is responsible for something like flooding, anyway? Our Political Science Intern, Mairin Gettman, takes a look at legislation and how it affects the watershed. A BIG SHOUT OUT to Adam Driedzic of the Environmental Law Centre, who assisted in no small way with this project: THANK YOU!