Headwaters Action Team

Invasive Mussels Closing in on Alberta

Invasive Mussels Closing in on Alberta

Mussels, although tasty in many instances, are leaving a bad taste in the mouths of the sniffer dogs of the Alberta Aquatic Invasive Species program. These things clog irrigation pipes, residential pipes, stick on motors, machines and .... money. They cost bigly money.

Livingstone Landowners Guild Showcases Local Non-profits

Livingstone Landowners Guild Showcases Local Non-profits

Recently, the Livingstone Landowners Guild hosted a “Who’s Who and What they Do” event to introduce local landowners to the many non-profit organizations operating in their area.

At the event, much of the open discussion focused on headwaters management and what impact the Government of Alberta Livingstone and Porcupine Hills Land Footprint Management Plan and Recreation Management Plans that are currently underway will have.

Headwaters Action Plan – We've Come A Long Way!

Headwaters Action Plan – We've Come A  Long Way!

Strategically ... what's behind all the OWC activity? How do we decide which actions to take, what advice to provide government with ... and who says? Here's an update from Larin Guenther, OWC's Planning Manager. HAP, HAT, PAN ... and other need-to-know acronyms unpacked.