Latest WWF Watershed Reports

This Monday, WWF-Canada will release the latest round of watershed reports as part of a national health assessment of the country’s 25 major freshwater ecosystems and the threats they face. By 2017, WWF-Canada will have a complete picture of the health of our waters. We are 75 per cent of the way there and troubling trends about the state of our freshwater are emerging.

Join a webinar on Tuesday, June 21, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. MST to learn more about these emerging trends that are affecting the health of freshwater in an online discussion presented by WWF-Canada freshwater experts.

Please click here to register for this online presentation.


  • Elizabeth Hendriks, WWF-Canada’s vice-president of freshwater conservation
  • Catherine Paquette, freshwater health assessment specialist
  • Anthony Merante, Watershed Reports specialist


WWF webinar “Putting big water data in decision-making tables” takes a look at national trends emerging from WWF-Canada’s newest watershed reports.

  • Learn about WWF-Canada’s watershed reports and the methodology we’re using to assess the health of our freshwater.
  • Explore national trends that are emerging to date.
  • Understand the implications of these findings for the health of Canada’s freshwater in the future.
  • Discover ways to get involved and protect Canada’s freshwater.