Many thanks to the hardworking volunteers who helped us move from our old offices out at the provincial government's Research Centre into our new space downtown! A special shout-out goes to Rob Taylor, Thomas Porter and Chelsea Sherbut.

There are two departments in particular from the Research Centre that have been long-time supporters of OWC, and we would like to thank them for 10 years of office space for the OWC. They are: the Irrigation Branch and the Water Quality Branch - both have been involved in many projects over the years, and we continue to collaborate with them on a number of projects.

We are looking forward to making our new office a community space where we will be having regular events and bring in other related businesses and NGOs that share our vision for a sustainable watershed. Currently, Environment Lethbridge has joined us, and we look forward to expanding our community hub. 

In the meantime, please join us on Thursday, February 18th for a little celebration and come check out our new space!

It is also a last opportunity to say thank you - and goodbye - to our Administrative Assistant, Bev Bellamy, who is retiring that day!