Southern Alberta relies on intensive agriculture and livestock production. When you drive through the countryside, what do you see? Lots of people want to know that their food is safe - but how much attention do we pay to what happens on our fields? There is real innovation happening in the Oldman watershed - and here's a story about hemp use and a special kind of recycling - another #SAWC17 project!
Teaching a new generation - #SAWC17
Backyard Wilderness - #SAWC17
When we think of agriculture in Southern Alberta, perhaps huge farms out east come to mind with sophisticated irrigation pivots and loads of potatoes or corn. Here's what two dedicated watershed stewards are doing on the Blood Reserve to rehabilitate some of their agricultural land. William Singer III and Lori Brave Rock are signatories of the Southern Alberta Water Charter #SAWC17. The closing ceremony is coming up on November 17th - who will be getting completion awards?