Lethbridge Stormwater Outfalls — Oldman Watershed Council

Lethbridge Stormwater Outfalls

The OWC, in partnership with the Lethbridge College and Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, are proud to announce the release of the Lethbridge Stormwater Outfalls Monitoring Project results from the testing of Lethbridge stormwater outfalls for bacteria, nutrients and pesticides from April to September, 2012-2014. The study is follow up and for comparison to the study done by Karen A. Saffran in 2000-2002.

Findings from research projects like the Lethbridge Stormwater Outfalls Monitoring help inform and guide the OWC's educational programs regarding stormwater quality and water conservation as well as provide important data for monitoring. 

The OWC thanks John Derksen (Lethbridge College), Claudia Sheedy, Doug Inglis and staff (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) and Karen Armstrong (City of Lethbridge) for their hard work and in-kind support for the project.