Alberta Agriculture and Forestry

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Voices of the Oldman: Agriculture Matters

Please join us in Taber January 31, Twin Butte February 10 or Stavely March 1!

The Oldman Watershed Council is excited to introduce a new brand of events called Voices of the Oldman.  These events are an important opportunity to have your voice heard both locally and provincially. What we hear at these events will shape our projects and also the advice we give to the Government of Alberta. 

Bow River Phosphorus Management Plan Implementation Update & Video Series

Bow River Phosphorus Management Plan Implementation Update & Video Series

If you live in the Oldman watershed, you should know that the Bow River to the north caters to a third of the province's population and joins the Oldman just past Taber to form the South Saskatchewan. This is about green water...and in this case, green is NOT environmentally friendly. 

How to Grow Lunch from Fish Waste - Aquaponics & Other Agricultural Innovations

How to Grow Lunch from Fish Waste - Aquaponics & Other Agricultural Innovations

If you're an urbanite, you probably don't care about BMPs or know what they are. But I bet you've been to restaurants downtown and have eaten some pretty special veg!!! So whether you're a farmer, a rancher, or a city resident who just wants to understand where your food (Read: water) comes from .... read on!  This article details lots of great resources in regards to sustainability in agriculture.

2016 Water Monitoring Workshop

2016 Water Monitoring Workshop

You are invited to register for the “2016 Water Monitoring Workshop” designed to bring together individuals and groups to share ideas, experiences and technologies related to the monitoring of water. The scope includes quality and the quantity of water in surface and groundwater. This two day event will include ...