"Alberta Environment and Parks"

Signs of the Times

Signs of the Times

Whatever our preferred form of recreation, it's up to everyone to Know Before You Go. Keep an eye out for these signs - please respect and obey them, so that we can keep our backcountry beautiful and healthy!

Invasive Mussels Closing in on Alberta

Invasive Mussels Closing in on Alberta

Mussels, although tasty in many instances, are leaving a bad taste in the mouths of the sniffer dogs of the Alberta Aquatic Invasive Species program. These things clog irrigation pipes, residential pipes, stick on motors, machines and .... money. They cost bigly money.

Willow Stakes & Fence Posts : Backcountry Restoration Event 2016

Willow Stakes & Fence Posts : Backcountry Restoration Event 2016

What does it look like when a community rallies together - to protect drinking water and fish habitat, forging first-hand connections with the source of our river - while simultaneously making new friends? Broad smiles, muddy boots, and a gratifying sense of accomplishment, that’s what! Write-up and great photos here!